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Full text of "[Review of: Gregg, R. E. 1963. The ants of Colorado, with reference to their ecology, taxonomy, and geographic distribution. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, xvi+792 pp.]"

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buccal capsule, pharynx (called esophagus), and 
pharyngeal bulb. The systematic part begins with 
a list of hosts, followed by a key to the genera of 
the Thelastomatidae. Illustrated descriptions are 
given of the various species found in European 
hosts. Scavenger types of hosts are not subject to 
oxyuroid infection. Both larval and adult stages 
of hemimctabolous insects are subject to infection 
by a given oxyuroid, whereas cither stage (but not 
both) in holomctabolous insects may act as host. 
The article represents a great' deal of meticulous 
work and should be helpful to nematologists. 


taxonomic forms, as in his vague and peevish re- 
jection of most of Wilson's Lasius revision, a work 
that contrasts strongly with Gregg's in its full and 
explicit, and, above all, in its quantitative treat- 
ment of the data for each species. 

There is enough real and interesting information 
scattered through Gregg's big book to indicate that 
Colorado is a wonderful state with a wonderful 
ant fauna. But as in the case of Cook's The Ants 
of California one wonders who will need the book 
badly enough to pay the stiff price asked. 


THE ANTS OF COLORADO with Reference to Their 
Ecology, Taxonomy, and Geographic Distribution. 

By Robert E. Gregg. University of Colorado 

Press, Boulder. $14.00. xvi -|- 792 pp. + 24 

pi.; text ill. 1963. 

One of the features of the American literature on 
ants is the plethora of "annotated lists" of ants for 
most of the states from coast to coast. In recent 
years, with the increase in government aid, state 
lists have tended to expand to book size. In sheer 
weight of pages, at least, The Ants of Colorado 
marks the extreme of this trend. A more accurate 
title would have been Colorado and the Distri- 
bution of her Ants, because one reads to p. 120 
before Gregg turns. from the geography and ecology 
of Colorado to the ants themselves. It is his thesis 
that the Colorado ants show a good "indicator" fit 
to "biotic zones," and, in particular, to the life 
zones of Merriam. A careful perusal of the distri- 
butional data does not give one much confidence in 
the reality of the fit, or, for that matter, of the 
zones themselves. 

This book is padded to an almost incredible 
degree: by rambling, repetitious exposition of triv- 
ial points, by species-distribution maps and redun- 
dant altitudinal-distribution charts that waste a 
blank quarter of a page for each species (and some- 
times a whole page, as when they indicate a single 
collection for the state!), and by the frequent 
repetition in- full of numerous collection stations 
under many species headings. Descriptive material 
is largely limited to the keys, which are mostly 
adapted from Creighton. In view of Gregg's con- 
siderable skill as an illustrator, the single most 
disappointing thing about the book for me is that 
it contains not a single drawing of an ant! 

The author professes to adhere to subspecies tax- 
onomy, yet in applying its principles he sometimes 
has "races" overlapping broadly or occurring at the 
same stations, apparently without intcrgrading. In 
some instances, he even returns to prc-Creighton 

Anatomy and Ecology. 

By Vera Fretter and Alastair Graham. The Ray 

Society, London. 8 8s. xvi -j- 755 pp.; ill. 


Malacologists the world over will rejoice at this 
magnificent volume by two outstanding students of 
gastropods. It opens with a general account of the 
characteristics of mollusks, followed by a chapter 
on the anatomy of Littorina selected to illustrate 
prosobranch organization. Successive chapters deal 
exhaustively with the functional anatomy of the 
shell, mantle cavity, skin, muscular system, alimen- 
tary system (three chapters), vascular system, ex- 
cretory system, nervous system and sense organs, 
reproductive system (two chapters), spawn, develop- 
ment, and larval forms. A chapter on feeding fol- 
lows the account of the digestive system. 

A section on ecology comprises three chapters on 
the life of limpets and other prosobranchs on rocky 
shores, a chapter on prosobranchs of other marine 
habitats, and one on the adaptations of prosobranch 
invaders of brackish, fresh-water, and terrestrial 
habitats. The parasites of prosobranchs, mostly 
trematode larvae, are meticulously listed under each 
host name. One notes the unfortunate retention of 
the erroneous and abandoned term "parthenitae." 

As primary divisions of the group, the authors 
prefer the older classification into Diotocardia and 
Monotocardia, since they believe that these names 
reflect more important features than do divisions 
based on the form of the radula, as in Pelsenecr's 
classification. Undoubtedly, the evolutionary trend 
has been from the diotocardian condition with 
paired auricles, gills, and nephridia to the monoto- 
cardian condition with suppression of the right 
members of these pairs. A detailed classification is 
provided in an appendix but is limited to the 
forms dealt with in the book that is, to the 
British prosobranchs. A second appendix gives the 
type of habitat and distribution of the British 

W,L Brown, Jr.